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Глобал Ambulimax в Neas Place на 70 PED


Патроны 155,01 PED
EWE LC-100 Frontier (L) 18,6 - 4,6 = - 14 PED
Gremlin 443,48 - 442,75 = - 0,73 PED
Ghost 267,39 - 266,61 = - 0,78 PED
Omegaton A103 19,48 - 8,17 = - 11,31 PED
Vivo T10 (L) 5,99 - 5,12 = - 0,87 PED
Лут + 182,14 PED
В минусе на 0,05 $ (0,56 PED).
NeoPsion 10 Minforce Implant 18,73 PED
Finder F-104 5,93 PED
Resource Extractor 0,71 PED
Sollomate Opalo 0,62 PED
Teleportation Chip I 13,25 PED
Mind Essence 1,08 PED

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